Bachelor of Arts

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Be challenged, inspired and empowered to help shape and advance the modern world through our Bachelor of Arts (BA) programs.

Degree Information

A Bachelor of Arts is a stepping-stone to your future. Our programs provide opportunities for hands-on work experience, extracurricular activities and international study.

Creative and Collaborative

BA graduates are adaptable. You will develop many transferable skills to serve you well in changing career circumstances:

  • effective written and spoken communication
  • creative and critical thinking
  • building and articulating clear, concise and convincing arguments
  • leadership and teamwork
  • social and cultural awareness

Work Experience
Increase your hands-on knowledge through a Co-op, practicum or internship placement. Apply your skills on the job and graduate with practical work experience and a broader career network.

Define Your Areas of Focus

Once you're a Carleton student, you can add degree elements that reflect your interests and diversify your knowledge:

  • choose a minor to complement your major
  • add a concentration or specialization
  • combine two fields of study to complete a double-major

First-year Seminars (FYSM)

Our First-year Seminar (FYSM) classes are small — usually around 30 students — so you can strengthen your critical-thinking skills through class discussions and debates in first year!

BA Undeclared

Undecided about what you want to study at Carleton? You can still come to Carleton and take a range of courses in first year without declaring a major. The BA Undeclared gives you room to explore a variety of programs and talk to your advisor, professors and other students before deciding.

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Areas of Study

Each of Carleton's BA programs will deepen your knowledge and understanding of subjects you are passionate about, expand your network, improve career opportunities and increase earning potential.