Transfer Credit

Transfer credit, also known as “advanced standing”, refers to the number of credit or course equivalents you may be awarded towards your degree at Carleton based on previous (accredited) postsecondary studies.

Once students have applied to Carleton, their previous studies will be assessed for transfer credit on a case by case basis, subject to degree, grade and program requirements. In some instances, this may require submission of official course descriptions and/or syllabi. Please note that Carleton University will do its best to transfer the most credit possible for any previously completed courses. However, course transferability will vary depending on grade point average (GPA), level of course, and relativity of previous course work to the degree program to which you have applied.

We automatically assess transfer credit for all applicants who’ve studied at accredited Canadian postsecondary institutions before applying to Carleton. We also grant advanced standing credit for some advanced secondary school credentials such as IB, GCE and AP programs.

See the links below for more details.