Program Details
Carleton's Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) programs ensure that you master traditional mathematical or statistical analysis while learning modern mathematical or statistical techniques and using advanced computer software. Our programs also provide training on emerging methods such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data mining.
Capital Advantage
You’ll benefit from our strong ties with institutions across the federal government well as leading high-tech firms out of Canada’s largest technology park, Kanata North.
Work Experience
A Co-op option is available. Co-op is the opportunity to get a head start on a career. Co-op work terms allow for the development of key employability skills, exploration of career options and graduation with tangible, workplace experience.
Customize your academic experience through any one of our concentration options.
Four Years: BMath and MSc
We also offer an elite BMath/MSc fast-track program in which high-achieving students can complete a Bachelor of Mathematics and a Master of Science in Mathematics in four years rather than six.
Combined Honours Programs
Incorporate courses in Mathematics and Statistics with those from other disciplines. Pursue a Bachelor of Science (Double Honours) in Mathematics and Physics or choose one of the following Combined Honours within the Bachelor of Mathematics: Computer Science and Mathematics; Economics and Mathematics; or Economics and Statistics.
Get started in Carleton360 to receive tailored information on our programs, student services and community.
Areas of Study

Career Outcomes
Explore your passions, refine new skills and discover the career that’s right for you.
The solid mathematical knowledge and skills you acquire at Carleton will give you a competitive edge in a wide variety of careers and prepare you to contribute to the next generation of innovations.

Sample Courses
MATH 1052 - Calculus and Introductory Analysis I
Properties of the real numbers. Limits. Sequences and series. Elementary functions. Continuity. Derivatives. Extreme values. Mean Value Theorem. L’Hospital’s rules. Antiderivatives. An emphasis is placed on proofs and theory.
MATH 3057 - Functions of a Complex Variable (Honours)
Analytic functions, contour integration, residue calculus, conformal mappings.
Visit the Undergraduate Calendar to view a comprehensive list of course offerings for this program and discover the exciting things Carleton students are learning in the classroom!
Featured Stories
The Mathematics and Physics program has been the best undergraduate experience I could have asked for. It has allowed me to determine which of the two subjects I wanted to study further, and has provided me with a deeper understanding of the interplay between math and physics. The caring and approachable professors, and the tight-knit student community, ensure that everyone in the program is able to do well. During my time at Carleton, I’ve been given the opportunity to work on particle physics experiments in affiliated labs around the world.