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Program Details
The Statistics (Honours) program offers a concentration in Actuarial Science. Building on the Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) in Statistics (Honours) program, this concentration provides a targeted sequence of courses in Business and Economics so that students meet all three undergraduate Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) course requirements and have the background to write all three undergraduate level exams set out by the Society of Actuaries for professional designation.
Work Experience
A Co-op option is available. Co-op is the opportunity to get a head start on a career. Co-op work terms allow for the development of key employability skills, exploration of career options and graduation with tangible, workplace experience.
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Career Outcomes
Explore your passions, refine new skills and discover the career that’s right for you.
The solid mathematical knowledge and skills you acquire at Carleton will give you a competitive edge in a wide variety of careers and prepare you to contribute to the next generation of innovations.
Sample Careers

Sample Courses
MATH 1052 - Calculus and Introductory Analysis I
Properties of the real numbers. Limits. Sequences and series. Elementary functions. Continuity. Derivatives. Extreme values. Mean Value Theorem. L’Hospital’s rules. Antiderivatives. An emphasis is placed on proofs and theory.
STAT 3558 - Elements of Probability Theory (Honours)
Random variables and moment-generating functions, concepts of conditioning and correlation; laws of large numbers, central limit theorem; multivariate normal distribution; distributions of functions of random variables, sampling distributions, order statistics.
Visit the Undergraduate Calendar to view a comprehensive list of course offerings for this program and discover the exciting things Carleton students are learning in the classroom!