Bachelor of Social Work: Supplementary Application Instructions (Fall 2024)

Your Supplementary Application is complete with the receipt of the following items:

  1. Supplementary Application (see below for instructions)
  2. Updated Resume (see below for instructions)

Note that these instructions are for supplementary information only. To be considered for admission, you must submit an application and all necessary documents through Admissions Services.

Submitting your Supplementary Application

  1. Your Supplementary Application is a fillable PDF. Complete all the application sections as per the instructions, save the document and upload it to Carleton 360. When you log in to your Carleton 360 account, you will see the documents we require and can upload pdfs directly. Note that only one Supplementary Application submission will be accepted. If we receive more than one, only the first submission will be reviewed.
  2. Your Resume is a fillable PDF. Complete all the sections as per the instructions, save the document and upload it to Carleton 360. When you log in to your Carleton 360 account, you will see the documents we require and can upload pdfs directly.

Rubric for Scoring of Essay Question Answer

Below you will find the rubric for scoring of the Supplementary Application essay question answer.

Experiences and connection to societyDoes not describe relevant life experiences appropriately. No relationship made to society generally. Response raises concerns about
professional appropriateness.
Experiences described are somewhat vague or explicit and are not clearly linked to society and societal issues.Describes relevant experiences in a clear, thoughtful manner with some good linkages to society at large.Describes relevant and substantive experiences and relates own experience to literature, broader society, and the profession. Shows knowledge of and passion for learning and social work.
Understanding and goals related to the social work professionNo awareness, or poor awareness of social work. Goals are absent and/or in opposition to Carleton’s Social Work program.Little understanding of social work. Goals are unclear and/or not appropriate for Carleton’s Social Work program.Good understanding of social work. Articulates goals that are relevant to the program and appropriate for the individual.Strong understanding of social work. Well-articulated goals that suggest attending Carleton’s School of Social Work is part of a clearly thought out career plan.

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Bachelor of Social Work Admissions