Environment and Health

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Program Details

This concentration explores the influence of our environment on our health, from toxins we are exposed to in our daily lives to the effect of climate change on global patterns of infectious disease. You will learn about the chemistry of environmental toxins, their effect on our cells and DNA, and our immune responses to them, including how multiple factors can make individuals either more vulnerable or more resilient to illness. You will also study issues related to the prevention and treatment of environmentally linked illnesses such as cancer, asthma, and neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

Work Experience

Participate in a paid summer research internship or explore getting involved in research as part of the program curriculum. Your Capstone project will give you practical experience in research field placements to advance your personal and professional goals.

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Health Sciences professor and student working in a lab.

Career Outcomes

Explore your passions, refine new skills and discover the career that’s right for you.

The concentrations in the BHSc program will prepare you for a diverse array of health-related careers and will provide excellent preparation for professional schools, graduate training or health-related employment opportunities.

Student working with a pipette in a lab.

Sample Courses

HLTH 1002 - Health Science Communication

Introduction to using library, database and/or bioinformatics resources to develop informed verbal, non-verbal and written communication within the context of healthcare, public health and health research. Concepts in ethical scholarship, proper use of sources and plagiarism will be introduced.

HLTH 4601 - Environmental Pollution and Health

Introduction to environmental and occupational health; detection, assessment, management and mitigation of chemical, physical and biological hazards.

Visit the Undergraduate Calendar to view a comprehensive list of course offerings for this program and discover the exciting things Carleton students are learning in the classroom!

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