Program Details
Computers and computer systems play a central role in business, communication, science, entertainment and medicine. Computer Science is an ever-changing discipline that studies the theory, design and implementation of computer applications and systems. You will learn to use computing and information technology to help solve the problems that we face in business, science and society today and those that we will face tomorrow.
The BCS is available as an Honours or a Combined Honours with Mathematics.
Through the School of Computer Science, the Honours Computer Science program at Carleton is organized into diverse streams so that you can develop a particular expertise.
Many Carleton Computer Science graduates continue to graduate school, where they study and research more advanced topics and work with research faculty in areas such as Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Computer Security and more.
Work Experience
A Co-op option is available. Co-op is the opportunity to get a head start on a career. Co-op work terms allow for the development of key employability skills, exploration of career options and graduation with tangible, workplace experience.
Industrial Applications Internship Option
Prepare yourself for a career in Canada’s top software companies by gaining paid work experience with our industrial partner, Shopify, which has created one of the world’s leading e-commerce platforms. Shopify also covers some tuition and educational expenses.
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Areas of Study

Career Outcomes
Explore your passions, refine new skills and discover the career that’s right for you.
As the range of computer applications continues to expand, so does the demand for computer scientists. Take advantage of Ottawa’s vibrant high-tech sector, comprised of established multinational firms and cutting-edge start-ups. Our city also offers a full range of employment opportunities with federal government departments and affiliated agencies.

Sample Courses
COMP 1405 - Introduction to Computer Science I
Introduction to computer science and programming, for computer science students. Topics include: algorithm design; control structures; variables and types; linear collections; functions; debugging and testing. Special attention is given to procedural programming in a modern language, computational thinking skills, and problem decomposition.
COMP 3005 - Database Management Systems
Introduces students to concepts of database management systems, database design and file structures. Topics include: entity-relationship modeling and object oriented database design, data models (relational, network and object oriented), the relational algebra, SQL, normalization theory, physical data organization, object oriented databases and OQL.
Visit the Undergraduate Calendar to view a comprehensive list of course offerings for this program and discover the exciting things Carleton students are learning in the classroom!