Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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Program Details

This stream in the Bachelor of Computer Science includes courses on artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks, as well as computer vision, reinforcement learning and natural language processing. Healthcare, transportation, finance, business, manufacturing and agriculture are being transformed by artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Work Experience

A Co-op option is available. Co-op is the opportunity to get a head start on a career. Co-op work terms allow for the development of key employability skills, exploration of career options and graduation with tangible, workplace experience.

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Computer Science professor and student working with a drone.

Career Outcomes

Explore your passions, refine new skills and discover the career that’s right for you.

Take advantage of Ottawa’s vibrant high-tech sector, comprised of established multinational firms and cutting-edge start-ups. Our city also offers a full range of employment opportunities with federal government departments and affiliated agencies.

Three Computer Science students working together on a laptop.

Sample Courses

COMP 1405 - Introduction to Computer Science I

Introduction to computer science and programming, for computer science students. Topics include: algorithm design; control structures; variables and types; linear collections; functions; debugging and testing. Special attention is given to procedural programming in a modern language, computational thinking skills, and problem decomposition.

COMP 2406 - Fundamentals of Web Applications

Introduction to Internet application development; emphasis on computer science fundamentals of technologies underlying web applications. Topics include: scripting and functional languages, language-based virtual machines, database query languages, remote procedure calls over the Internet, and performance and security concerns in modern distributed applications.

Visit the Undergraduate Calendar to view a comprehensive list of course offerings for this program and discover the exciting things Carleton students are learning in the classroom!

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