House of Commons Page Program

How to Apply to the House of Commons Page Program

Many Carleton students have participated in the House of Commons Page Program – and to their benefit. Being a Parliamentary page not only provides income and a great addition to your resume, it also provides an opportunity to experience “The Hill” and to be a part of history in the making!

Application forms are sent to high schools and CEGEPs across the country every fall, and can also be downloaded from the House of Commons Page Program website. Students must apply by the deadline date in their last year of high school. Application deadline: November 8, 2023.

Every year, 40 students are selected from across Canada to take part in this remarkable experience. Pages work part-time in the House of Commons while attending first-year university courses.

Their duties are varied and include collecting and distributing official documents, serving House officials, acting as messengers for the Speaker and for Members of Parliament, and speaking to high school groups about their experiences.

Undergraduate Programs

If you are interested in the House of Commons Page Program, we would like to encourage you to investigate these Carleton degree programs. These distinct and elite academic programs offer a unique complement to the Page experience.

French Opportunities

Bilingualism (French and English, spoken) is a requirement for the House of Commons Page Program candidates. For this reason, many applicants who are attracted to the program wish to continue studies in French while at university. To find out more about learning French at Carleton, visit our French program page.

Page Program Entrance Scholarships

Up to 15 scholarships will be awarded to students in the House of Commons Page program who are entering an undergraduate degree program at Carleton University. Valued at $1,000, the scholarship is awarded in addition to other Entrance Scholarships.