Demonstrating Indigenous Identity for Admissions
How to submit documents demonstrating Indigenous Identity for the purpose of Admissions
Requirements to Confirm Indigenous Identity:
When an applicant is applying to a program with reserved seats for Indigenous (First Nation, Metis or Inuit) candidates, or applying for awards, bursaries, grants or scholarships limited to Indigenous (First Nation, Metis or Inuit) applicants, proof of identity will be required as a mandatory part of the process. Candidates will be required to submit information and documentation as outlined in either Category 1 or Category 2 as applicable.
Category 1: Indian Status, Inuit Beneficiary, or Metis Citizenship Documentation
One of the following will be accepted as supporting documentation, for the purposes of the application, of Indigenous identity:
- Proof of an Indian Status Card issued by Indigenous Services Canada that is current and not expired;
- Proof of Métis Nation Citizenship from any one of the following Metis governments:
- Métis Nation of Ontario
- Métis Nation Saskatchewan
- Métis Nation of Alberta/Otipemsiwak Metis Government
- Métis Nation British Columbia
- Manitoba Métis Federation
- Proof of a Membership/Citizenship Card from one of the Alberta Métis Settlements or the Northwest Territory Métis Nation;
- Proof of a Nunavut Trust Certificate card or Inuit Enrollment card associated with one of the Land Claim Agreements in the claim regions of Nunavut, Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, and Inuvialuit;
- Citizenship identification as issued by a community that has a contemporary/modern Treaty and/or self-government agreement;
- Proof an ancestor’s name was entered in the Indian Register according to the Indian Act or on a band list;
- Proof an ancestor was assigned an Inuit disk number;
- Written confirmation of Aboriginal Identity from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami or Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated;
- Written confirmation of membership by a band that has enacted its own band membership code(s)
If a student cannot submit the documentation in Category 1, they must provide all documentation required in Category 2.
Category 2: Self-Declaration of Indigenous Identity and Mandatory Additional Documentation
Candidates who do not possess the documentation listed above in Category 1 must submit satisfactory proof of an ongoing relationship to a recognized Indigenous community, Nation, or People in the form of:
- A declaration of Indigenous ancestry with specific information about their First Nation, Inuit, and Métis background, treaty/comprehensive claim area, community, or organizational affiliation and an explanation for why they do not possess the documentation itemized under category 1.
- A description of their experiences demonstrating their commitment to and responsibility toward their community as well as motivation for applying to Indigenous-specific program seats or awards, grants, bursaries, and scholarships reserved for Indigenous candidates.
- A letter of recommendation from a community or community member, Elder, knowledge keeper, or other organizational affiliations with whom the candidate has worked with. It is important to note that this is not a character reference, it is a letter that attests to the candidate’s personal, familial, and community Indigenous identity and belonging. Letters written by immediate family members will not be accepted.
Submitting your documents
If you identify as Indigenous, you must provide proof of Indigenous Identity. Please email a PDF copy of the needed documentation to along with your full name, date of birth, and applicant number and it will be paired with your application.
Note: Indigenous applicants wishing to access reserved seats for Nursing and Social Work must submit all required documents by March 3, 2025.