Support for your transition to Carleton University

Summer Orientation is a program designed for new students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). Each one-day Summer Orientation session is designed to promote a student’s academic success and individual development. Students will participate in a series of informative presentations, receive a campus tour and hear from student leaders about their experiences at Carleton. The program also provides parent(s)/guardian(s) with information about the various transition supports available to Carleton students.

There are also a number of new and expanded resources for you to take advantage of this summer and throughout your first year at Carleton.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and Faculty of Public Affairs (FPA):

Academic Prep: How to Be a University Student!

Get a jumpstart on your first year at Carleton University by enrolling in our new course Academic Prep: How to Be a University Student.

This non-credit course is specifically designed for incoming students looking to better prepare themselves for the transition from high school to university.

Meet your new classmates and start exploring campus over five days of interactive lectures, compelling readings and engaging workshops.

For more info:

Faculty of Engineering and Design:

Foundations for Engineering

An online course designed to help new students prepare for their first-year engineering courses by reviewing key concepts from high school. This course will offer self-paced learning modules, practice problems, quizzes, and weekly virtual drop-in hours with an upper-year Engineering scholar (peer tutor) to ensure that new students are knowledgeable in Math and Physics concepts that are key for first-year engineering course success.

For more info:

Elsie MacGill Learning Centre

Free tutoring for first-year Engineering students offered by peer scholars. Scholars can assist with explaining course content or assisting with homework problems for any first-year engineering course (including MATH, CHEM, and PHYS).

Students will receive an email invitation to join the EMLC tutoring portal in early September.

For more info:

Faculty of Science:

Academic Prep: How to Be a University Student!

Get a jumpstart on your first year at Carleton University by enrolling in our new course Academic Prep: How to Be a University Student.

This non-credit course is specifically designed for incoming students looking to better prepare themselves for the transition from high school to university.

Meet your new classmates and start exploring campus over five days of interactive lectures, compelling readings and engaging workshops.

For more info:

Summer Match Up Program

Pairs incoming students in the Faculty of Science with an upper-year mentor the summer before their first year of study at Carleton.

For more info:

Peer Mentoring

Science Student Success mentors work with students on an individual basis or in small groups to help them define and achieve their academic, career and social goals.

For more info:

Networking Events

Networking opportunities for students in multiple fields of interest, such as computer science and technology, health care, research, STEM and more.

For more info:

Community Building

These non-academic events aim to create a fun and inclusive community within the Faculty of Science.

For more info:

Recognized Study Groups

Students receive Co-Curricular Record credit for studying with other students in Faculty of Science courses.

For more info:

Sprott School of Business:

First Year Sprotties Webpage

Visit the First Year Sprotties webpage to access all the information you need to navigate your first year at the Sprott School of Business.

For more info:

Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS):

Academic Orientation Day

First year students will have the opportunity to learn about departmental supports while meeting members of their Faculty of study.  The information provided during Academic Orientation Day (AOD) is specific to each student’s faculty and department and is a great way to prepare you for your academic career.  Faculty-specific resources will also be shared with participants.

Form more info:

Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS):

Learning Support

Writing Services

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

Student Experience Office (SEO):

Summer Orientation – Your Start to Student Life at Carleton

Summer Orientation is a program designed for new students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). Each one-day Summer Orientation session is designed to promote a student’s academic success and individual development. Students will participate in a series of informative presentations, receive a campus tour and hear from student leaders about their experiences at Carleton. The program also provides parent(s)/guardian(s) with information about the various transition supports available to Carleton students.

For more info:

Fall Orientation

Fall Orientation provides incoming undergraduate students with a week packed full of fun activities, a chance to make new friends, and an opportunity to gain the skills necessary to help transition to university life at Carleton University. The program focuses on helping students adapt socially, academically, and culturally to Carleton and the Ravens community.

For more info:

First Year Connections (FYC)

The First Year Connections program pairs first-year students with upper-year student mentors. Connecting with a Peer Mentor means you will have someone to answer your questions, connect you with campus resources, and help you learn more about your program and how to get involved on campus. Our specially trained First Year Connections Peer Mentors provide resources and support for first-year students so that they achieve a great start at Carleton.

For more info:

International Student Services Office (ISSO):

I-Start (International Student Orientation)

I-Start is the international orientation program designed for all new international students. In this free online mini-course, students will receive resources and information to help them transition successfully to student life at Carleton and in Canada.

For more info:

International Orientation Day

International Orientation Day is designed for all new international students at Carleton University with a full day of engaging events, workshops, and activities designed to help international students transition to student life at Carleton University as hosted by the International Student Services Office (ISSO).

For more info:

Ask Us Anything – New International Students Q&A Sessions

New international students starting at Carleton University this summer or fall are invited to ask their questions to ISSO Staff members. At these virtual drop-in sessions, students will meet ISSO staff members, get their questions answered and learn about campus services, important dates/deadlines and much more!

For more info: