Special Circumstances

Information for Prospective Students with Special or Extenuating Circumstances

Special/Extenuating Circumstances Affecting Admission

If you have any special/extenuating circumstances that you feel have affected your academic grades and should be taken into consideration when we evaluate your application, please submit a letter regarding these outstanding circumstances to Admissions Services.

Appeals After Suspension

If you were either previously suspended from university or your grades do not meet the current academic standards, it will be necessary for you to appeal for admission. Visit the Undergraduate Admissions website for instructions on how to submit a letter of appeal.

Information for Students who do not Meet Traditional Entrance Requirements

Carleton University provides a number of pathways to degree study for students who do not meet traditional entrance requirements.

Special Student Studies

Any person interested in pursuing learning opportunities is eligible to apply as a part-time Special student in degree-credit courses, subject to course availability and course prerequisites.

Special students may normally enrol in a maximum of 2.0 credits per academic session (Fall/Winter) and no more than the equivalent of 1.0 credit (e.g. two half-credit courses) in any one term. During the Summer session, Special students may enrol in a maximum of 1.0 credit.

Students may use their studies as a Special student to form a basis of admission for future degree study. For more instructions on applying for admission to a degree program after completing studies as a Special student go to: calendar.carleton.ca/undergrad/regulations/admissions/general.

Visit the Registrar’s Office website for more information on how to register as a Special student.

Enriched Support Program

For students whose high school grades do not reflect their academic potential, or for those who are apprehensive about returning to school after an absence, the Enriched Support Program (ESP) offers an opportunity for students to prove their academic ability in a structured university environment. ESP students can register in three full-credit first-year courses, which they supplement with regular weekly workshops offering academic support. After the ESP year, students who attain the necessary grade point average in their ESP courses are eligible for acceptance into a full-time degree program.

Indigenous Enriched Support Program

The Indigenous Enriched Support Program (IESP) is an alternative entrance program offered through the Centre for Indigenous Support and Community Engagement. This program

offers admission opportunities as well as academic and social support for Indigenous, First Nations (Status and Non-Status), Métis and Inuit students in their first year of study.

Information for Students with Documented Disabilities

Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities

The Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) provides individualized services to students registered at Carleton with documented disabilities. Students should self-identify to the PMC and meet with a coordinator to discuss individual needs for accommodation and support services early each term, prior to the start of your academic program at Carleton.