Interactive Multimedia and Design (IMD)

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Program Details

The IMD program is aimed at students who are both artistically inclined and technologically adept and who are interested in all aspects of digital media. You will graduate with both a Bachelor of Information Technology from Carleton University and an Advanced Diploma of Applied Arts from Algonquin College.

You will acquire the tools you need to take an idea or a problem and advance it through the entire process from concept to pre-production, production and post-production. The program provides you with a multidisciplinary education through courses in computer animation, visual effects, game design and development, graphic design and human-computer interaction. The program is then further enhanced with courses in science, mathematics, business and social science. The IMD program also offers streams in Animation and Visual Effects; Game Design and Development; and Web and User Interfaces/Experience. You will graduate fully-equipped to work in and shape the digital world of the future.


You will have the option to specialize in one of three streams: Animation and Visual Effects; Game Design and Development; and Web and User Interfaces/Experience.

Work Experience

A Co-op option is available. Co-op is the opportunity to get a head start on a career. Co-op work terms allow for the development of key employability skills, exploration of career options and graduation with tangible, workplace experience.

Additional Requirements

The IMD program has an early application deadline and applicants are required to submit a portfolio. Visit the Additional Admission Requirements page for more information.

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Two students working on game development

Career Outcomes

Explore your passions, refine new skills and discover the career that’s right for you.

IMD students are employed at Adobe, Sony, Imageworks, Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, MPC, Shopify, Magmic, Image Engine and IBM Cognos.

Student using a VR headset in a green screen room.

Sample Courses

IMD 1001 - Visual Communication

Visual communication techniques commonly used to draft concepts and ideas to support scripts for film, animation, HCI, and/or game development. Topics include: storyboarding, composition, vanishing point, line quality, visual timing, perspective, depth of field, body language and life drawing. A digital drawing tablet is required.

ITEC 4007 - Dynamics and Physics-Based Animation

This course deals with the essentials of physics-based animations and dynamics; topics include basics of animation mechanics, collision detection, particle systems, and dynamic systems (cloth, fluid, and hair).

Visit the Undergraduate Calendar to view a comprehensive list of course offerings for this program and discover the exciting things Carleton students are learning in the classroom!

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