Certificates and Diplomas

Carleton University offers a variety of certificate and diploma programs. Students enrolled in these programs are able to benefit from the same university resources and support services as our regular, full-time degree students. There are many workshops and seminars on topics ranging from time management to exam preparation.

Certificates and Diploma Programs available at Carleton University:

Certificate in Journalism in Indigenous Communities

The Certificate in Journalism in Indigenous Communities (CJIIC) is a 4.5-credit, 10-month program designed for Indigenous students who have completed an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, including six 4U or M courses, with at least one 4U course in English. The program combines online learning with three in-person intensives, offering hands-on media training. Students receive support from a Student Success Facilitator and a Cultural Advisor, ensuring academic and cultural success. Free tuition is available for students from specific Indigenous communities. The program includes a two-week internship in a media organization, with all travel, food, and accommodation covered. Graduates receive a $3,000 award and gain advanced standing for Carleton University’s Bachelor of Journalism or Bachelor of Arts programs.

Certificate in Multidisciplinary Studies in Mental Health and Well-Being

The Certificate in Multidisciplinary Studies in Mental Health and Well-Being is for anyone who wishes to gain a broad perspective on mental health and well-being. It combines courses from psychology and other allied disciplines as well as more applied training from different campus partners. Thus, this certificate is great introduction to these topics.

All prospective students should note, however, that this certificate does not offer professional training or credentials for any helping profession. Students who seek careers in clinical psychology, counselling, psychiatry, nursing, social work, or health sciences should explore those programs specifically.

Certificate in Nunavut Public Service Studies (CNPSS)

The CNPSS is a 5.0 credit program is administered by the School of Public Policy and Administration. Currently, courses in the Nunavut Certificate are offered in partnership with Nunavut Sivuniksavut, a postsecondary program for Inuit from Nunavut. Courses in the program include Public Administration in Nunavut, and options such as Qualitative Research Methods.

Certificate in Science and Policy

The Certificate in Science and Policy is a unique opportunity for current Carleton University undergraduate students and non-Carleton students to receive practical training and skills for working at the interface of science, innovation and policy. An understanding of both policy and science languages, culture and norms is essential for the development of evidence-based policy.

This certificate may be taken following successful completion of a college diploma or equivalent or a university degree in any discipline with a minimum average grade of B. This certificate can also be completed concurrently with any undergraduate degree after completing a minimum of 4.0 credits with a minimum CGPA of 7.0.

New students applying to Carleton can apply to this program by selecting it through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre or through the Direct Application (within Carleton 360) for international students.

Current Carleton students and Carleton graduates can add this certificate by contacting the Administrator in the Institute of Environmental and Interdisciplinary Science

Certificate in Science Communication

The Certificate in Science Communication offers Carleton University undergraduate students the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to translate scientific knowledge for wider public audiences for the benefit of the economy, culture and society. Although science communicators can come from varied backgrounds with variable levels of scientific expertise, the overarching aims of science communication remain consistent – increasing awareness and understanding of science and mobilizing scientific knowledge.

This Certificate may be taken concurrently with an Honours degree within the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Public Affairs, or the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, with completion of a minimum of 4.0 credits, and a minimum CGPA of 10.0. Enrolment is limited.

Current Carleton students add this Certificate by contacting the Administrator in the Institute of Environmental and Interdisciplinary Science

Certificate in the Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTESL)

The CTESL program, offered by Carleton’s School of Linguistics and Language Studies, is one of Canada’s oldest and best-known TESL programs. The CTESL program includes courses in theory and methodology, as well as a practicum that includes opportunities for classroom observation and supervised teaching in a variety of settings. With the proper course selection, the program may be taken simultaneously with the four-year Honours program in Linguistics or Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, or with other majors, allowing you to graduate with both a degree and a certificate at the same time. You can also pursue this program as a post-degree certificate.

The CTESL program concentrates on teaching English to adults, either in Canada or abroad. It is widely recognized in Canada as a qualification to teach ESL at the post-secondary level in private language schools, colleges and universities. Overseas, it can lead to teaching positions at the elementary and secondary school levels, as well as at the adult level.

To be eligible for admission to the CTESL program, students must have already obtained a degree and have extensive experience in teaching, or be registered in an Honours degree at Carleton University with an overall CGPA of 7.00 (B-) or higher. Students registered in the concurrent CTESL program who fail to complete their degree cannot receive the CTESL.

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma (PBD) in Accounting provides students who have an undergraduate degree in any discipline with the prerequisite core courses to be eligible to apply to the Sprott Master of Accounting (MAcc) program or enter the CPA Professional Education Program (PEP), pathways leading to the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation and a career in professional accounting.

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting is delivered online.

Applicants are expected to hold a Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, with a minimum overall average of B- (70-72%) and have completed the following prerequisite courses:

  • BUSI 1004: Financial Accounting for Business Students, or equivalent, with a grade of C or higher.
  • BUSI 1005: Managerial Accounting for Business Students, or equivalent, with a grade of C or higher.

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Art History

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Art History provides foundation for students wishing to pursue the MA program in Art and Architectural History but who do not have sufficient disciplinary background in the field. The diploma is designed for students with a strong academic performance (minimum B average, or 8.0 GPA on the 12.0 Carleton scale), typically in an undergraduate degree outside Art History or History and Theory of Architecture, and a keen interest in advanced study in Art and Architectural History.

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Cognitive Science

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma (PBD) in Cognitive Science is designed for students who already have an undergraduate degree but want to learn about cognitive science and gain research experience in the field. The program consists of the equivalent of 4.0 credits (8 one-term courses). Students take advanced courses (third- and fourth-year courses) that are required in the Bachelor of Cognitive Science degree.

The PBD in Cognitive Science is also an option for students who are interested in pursuing graduate work in Cognitive Science at the Master’s level, but whose undergraduate degree did not include any research experience or who may not have a high enough GPA to enter the Masters of Cognitive Science program directly.

The PBD in Cognitive Science can be completed in one academic year (Fall-Winter), or students may opt to spread the coursework over two or more years.

Normally, students need to have achieved a B average (8.0 GPA on the 12.0 Carleton scale) to be admitted to the program.

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Economics

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma (PBD or “post-bac”) program in Economics is designed for

  • people who already have an undergraduate degree—whether in a math-intensive field like engineering or a writing-intensive field like journalism—and would like a rigorous and structured introduction to economics;
  • new Canadians, international students, and others with a degree from outside Canada, whether in economics or another discipline, who are looking for a one-year, recognized, Canadian qualification in economics; and
  • anyone who would like additional preparation for graduate education in economics beyond that provided by the degree(s) they hold already.

The PBD in Economics provides

  • eight months of intensive training in economic theory, econometric methods, and applied economics;
  • Opportunity for English-language training in academic writing skills for students whose first language is not English; and
  • a structured and clearly defined course of study.

To be eligible for admission to the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Economics students must normally have

  • an undergraduate degree with a GPA of 9.0 or higher, preferably with honours;
  • successfully completed university-level introductory (micro- and macro-) economics, calculus, and linear algebra with a grade of C+ or higher in each; and
  • permission of the Department of Economics.

Applicants must meet the requirements of Option 1 of the English as a Second Language Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar.

Students may be granted advanced standing to a maximum of 1.0 credit. Advanced standing does not negate the 3.0 credit residency requirement.

The sequencing of courses normally allows post-bac students who begin in September to complete their program by the following May. Students who maintain an average of B+ or higher during their PBD studies are given strong consideration for admission to the Carleton University Master of Arts (MA) program in Economics.

Note: students who already hold an honours undergraduate degree in economics are encouraged to apply for admission to graduate programs in economics through the Graduate Admissions website at graduate.carleton.ca.

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Film Studies

A new Post-Baccalaureate Diploma (PBD) in Film Studies is intended for students applying for admission into the MA in Film Studies who have at least an 8.0 GPA but minimal background in Film Studies.

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in the History and Theory of Architecture

The Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas in History and Theory of Architecture provides foundation for students wishing to pursue the MA program in Art and Architectural History but who do not have sufficient disciplinary background in the field. The diploma is designed for students with a strong academic performance (minimum B average, or 8.0 GPA on the 12.0 Carleton scale), typically in an undergraduate degree outside Art History or History and Theory of Architecture, and a keen interest in advanced study in Art and Architectural History.

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Religion

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Religion provides a credential for students with undergraduate degrees in other fields who want to acquire intensive training in the academic discipline of Religious Studies.

It is primarily designed for students wishing to pursue the MA program in Religion and Public Life, but who typically have completed an undergraduate degree in another field with a minimum B average or higher (8.0 GPA on the 12.0 Carleton scale), and/or require grounding in the theories and methods particular to Religious Studies as an academic discipline. Such students are required to complete the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Religion prior to their formal admission into our MA in Religion and Public Life program.