Transfer/Advanced Standing Credit – AP

Applicants who complete AP exams with a minimum grade of 4 will be granted advanced standing credit, subject to the discretion of the appropriate Faculty, to a maximum of 3.0 credits. Advanced standing will be assessed upon presentation of official AP exam results.

AP CourseCarleton Equivalence
AP African American StudiesAFRI 3005 (0.5)
AP Art HistoryARTH 1XXX (1.0)
AP BiologyBIOL 1103 (0.5) + BIOL 1104 (0.5)
AP Calculus ABMATH 1007 (0.5)
AP Calculus BCMATH 1007 (0.5) + MATH 2007 (0.5)
AP ChemistryCHEM 1001 (0.5) + CHEM 1002 (0.5)
AP Chinese Language and CultureCHIN 2XXX (1.0)
AP MicroeconomicsECON 1001 (0.5)
AP MacroeconomicsECON 1002 (0.5)
AP English Language and CompositionENGL 1XXX (1.0)
AP English Literature and CompositionENGL 1XXX(1.0)
AP Environmental ScienceENSC 1XXX (0.5)
AP European HistoryHIST 1XXX (1.0)
AP French Language and CultureFREN 11XX (1.0)
AP French: LiteratureFREN 1XXX (1.0)
AP German Language and CultureGERM 3XXX (1.0)
AP Government & Politics: ComparativePSCI 1XXX (0.5)
AP Government & Politics: United StatesPSCI 1XXX (0.5)
AP Human GeographyGEOG 1020 (0.5)
AP Italian Language and CultureITAL 3XXX (1.0)
AP Japanese Language and CultureJAPA 2XXX (1.0)
AP LatinLATN 2200 (0.5)
AP Music TheoryMUSI 1107 (0.5) & MUSI 1XXX (0.5)
AP Physics BPHYS 1007 (0.5) + PHYS 1008 (0.5)
AP Physics C (Mechanics)PHYS 1001 (0.5)
AP Physics C (Electricity and Magnetism)PHYS 1002 (0.5)
AP Physics 1PHYS 1007 (0.5)
AP Physics 2PHYS 1008 (0.5)
AP PsychologyPSYC 1001 (0.5) + PSYC 1002 (0.5)
AP Spanish: Language and CultureSPAN 3XXX (1.0)
AP Spanish: Literature and CultureSPAN 3XXX (1.0)
AP StatisticsSTAT 2507 (0.5)
AP United States HistoryHIST 1XXX (1.0)
AP World HistoryHIST 1XXX (1.0)