Transfer/Advanced Standing Credit – French Baccalaureate

French Baccalaureate students may be awarded advanced standing (transfer) credit for subjects with a grade of 12 or better (based on their specialization) subject to the discretion of the appropriate faculty to a maximum of 3.0 credits. The table below provides information on which courses have been evaluated as equivalent to Carleton courses.

French Baccalaureate Subjects Carleton Course Equivalent and Credit Value
AnglaisEnglish (ENGL 1XXX) (1.0 credit)
Enseignement scientifique (Terminale)No credit
Français (Première)French (FREN 1XXX) (0.5 credit) & (FREN 2XXX) (0.5 credit)
Histoire-geographie, geopolitque et sciences politiques (Terminale)Political Science (PSCI 1XXX) (1.0 credit)
Mathématiques (Première)No credit
Mathematiques ComplementairesCalculus: with Applications to Business (MATH 1009) (0.5 credit)
Mathématiques (Terminale Generale) Elementary Calculus I (MATH 1007) (0.5 credit) &Statistics (STAT 1XXX) (0.5 credit)
Mathematiques ExpertesMathematics (MATH 1XXX) (0.5 credit)
PhilosophiePhilosophy (PHIL 1XXX) (1.0 credit)
Physique-Chimie (Terminale)Chemistry (CHEM 1001) (0.5 credit) and Chemistry (CHEM 1002) (0.5 credit)
Science de la Vie et de la Terre (SVT) (Première)Interdisciplinary Science (ISCI 1XXX) (1.0 credit)
Sciences économiques et socialesEconomics (ECON 1XXX) (1.0 credit)